Kitchen Garden Revolutions – Focus

Design Aim

"Upgrade the top corner of my kitchen garden to be more productive"


“The cold is a teacher. It’s merciless. You don’t picnic when you go into the cold. You don’t think about your mortgage; you just survive. You reactivate the deepest part of your brain.”
Wim Hof



As the winter temperatures drop to -4 I’m not sure if the water inside the oak wine barrel that I have been getting into every morning since September 2022 can get much colder. Each morning I sit on the small seat inside the barrel and look at the top corner of my kitchen garden and think "I do need to make better use of this space."

Don’t get me wrong I also think somewhat about how cold the water is.

I’m certainly not thinking about my mortgage when I’m in the barrel but those thoughts about redesigning my kitchen garden once more have been hounding my morning cold water meditations.

After last year's (2021) redesign of the kitchen garden, I made great improvements but there is always a but, the two beds on the top left-hand side are still a bit wild and are not as productive as they should be.

So, it’s time to redesign this section of the garden to enable better access to the beds, to make the beds more productive and to stop me constantly thinking about how I should be making better use of this space when I’m trying to convince myself the water is not ice cold. 

Design Aim


Upgrade the top corner of my kitchen garden to be more productive.