Allotment Garden Design

Design Overview
For this design, I will be using a framework laid out by Patrick Whitefield in his book “The Earth Care Manual.” The framework is an active learning cycle that is made up of six stages; Base Map, Site Survey, Questionnaire, Evaluation, Design Proposals, and Re-Evaluation.
Through each of these six stages of the design, I will be using the permaculture ethics, Earth Care, People Care, and Fair Share along with David Holmgren permaculture principles to keep the design focused with the outcome of an allotment plot that is aligned with both the ethic’s and the principles making it a working permaculture design.
The permaculture principles are; observe & interact - catch & store energy - obtain a yield - apply self-regulation & accept feedback - use & value renewable resources & services - produce no waste - design from patterns to details - integrate rather than segregate - use small & slow solutions - use & value diversity - use edges & value the marginal - creatively use & respond to change.

Designing with the Permaculture Ethics

Create habitat for wildlife - Improve the topsoil - Grow food using only organic methods

Provide organic local produce - A place for relaxation and mindfulness - A place to enjoy been outside – A place to meet people

Share excess produce with friends and neighbors - Provide food for wildlife - A place to share stories

Permaculture Principles

The Design Process