Allotment Garden Evaluation

The site
There is nothing currently on the site that needs to be taken into consideration when we start and plan out the design. The conditions of the allotment site do not allow trees to be planted and no sheds or greenhouses are allowed on the plot. The plot has close access to a mains water tap with low pressure.
Our Wants
Growing food crops with a focus on perennial vegetables and berries will fit into how we are wanting to maintain this allotment plot. Along with the limited onsite water and the limited time available to hand water, these crops are the sensible choice. Adding beneficial plants for wildlife will add value to a low maintenance garden encouraging a balanced ecosystem with predator insects to help control any pests. With this kind of garden finding a place to add a seat for relaxing should fit well.
The permaculture zone for the allotment will be a zone 2 bordering on zone 3 due to the distance from my partner's house which is just under a mile away. For myself to get to the allotment will take a 30-minute drive. Due to the distance, it will be mostly weekends that I will be at the allotment when I say at my partners.
The plot is located in the middle of a south-facing allotment site. The site is on a slight incline with a level area where the plot is located. Along the western edge of the site are large oak trees with touching canopies, the north of the site is a belt of large conifer trees. The prevailing winds are west to northwest. The plot is far enough away from the trees not to be affected by shade but close enough for the trees to provide protection from the prevailing winds. The east and south of the allotment site are open, allowing full sun onto the plot throughout the summer months.
The plot is on a level area, adding raised soil beds will help prevent the site from standing in water during periods of heavy or prolonged rain. Allowing the paths to flood will hold any excess water on the site so it can slowly drain back into the plot once the rain has stopped.