Appendix - Forage Design

Anything that has a lens on it is a bit of a nightmare when it comes to selecting which you should buy, binoculars are one such item. After much research, I went with the Hawke Frontier ED X 8x42. Amazing binoculars for birdwatching, I’m very happy with them. Here are three helpful videos on binoculars.

Tenkara Fishing
For those interesting in fishing, here are a couple of videos explaining what Tenkara is. As of posting this, I've not got set up with the equipment yet but I will before next season.

SUE Scale and Tapping
The SUE Scale (Subjective Units of Experience, from Events Psychology, Hartmann 2009) is an instrument designed to measure the level of energy flow through the energy body from -10 to +10.
The SUE Scale replaces the SUD Scale (Subjective Units of Distress, Wolpe 1969) as a measure to express how a person is feeling/what they are experiencing and represents a paradigm shift in the treatment of stress and emotional disturbances as the old SUD Scale stopped at 0 Zero, and completely failed to take positive emotions/experiences into consideration.
The SUE Scale is a device to measure emotions, but can also be used to recognise state dependent disturbances in its objective form, The Energy Body Stress Chart, to allow practitioners to make an independent assessment. The SUE Scale allows the client to more accurately assess their emotions and stress responses and provides positive goals from the positive wing 0 - +10, which makes any form of attempt to change emotions far more realistic and successful.
The SUE Scale can be used to measure the evolution of experience throughout a treatment process. The SUE Scale is used in modern energy work, such as Energy EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), EMO Energy In Motion, Events Psychology etc. The SUE Scale can also be used as a replacement of the SUD scale in conventional therapy, psychology and counselling to allow for treatment plans which focus on POSITIVE outcomes and emotions, rather than the absence of emotions. https://suescale.com/

Useful Links

Courses Taken

"EFT / TFT Tapping Master Practitioner Certification (Expert)" This is a fully comprehensive, expert level course for using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and TFT (Thought Field Therapy) to help people.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner AND NLP Master Practitioner Certification

This unparalleled Life Coaching Certificate Course includes an easy-to-understand curriculum designed to support the development of effective communication skills, wise perspectives, and the ways in which transformational changes can be made to people's beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, careers, and daily interactions.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a branch of Applied Psychology that aims to enhance people's ability to make wise decisions and achieve their goals. NLP involves recognizing learned patterns of behaviour or thinking and then finding creative new ways to make use of them or to update them.

With this hypnotherapy practitioner training course, you will learn to implement a broad range of integrative methods to practice this valuable healing art in a way that will support people in their physical, psychological, and emotional development.

Mindfulness is an ancient wisdom-based discipline that fosters deep self-awareness and leads to profound personal growth. Studying Mindfulness enables its learners to cultivate powerful inner resilience and make wise decisions during times of pressure, crisis or stress.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a dynamic psychology-based personal growth discipline that offers thought-provoking insights into the relationship between emotions, habits, perceptions, attitudes and behaviours of the human mind.

With this advanced life coaching training course, you will learn to implement a broad range of integrative coaching strategies to practice this valuable people skill in a way that will support individuals in their personal, professional, and social development.

The Skilled Helper Model of coaching developed by Gerard Egan provides mentors, counsellors, parents, life coaches and management teams a solution-focused basis for their work. The three-stage model includes essential skills that a Skilled Helper can use to prepare other people for setting and achieving meaningful goals.